2016/17 FE Learner Satisfaction Survey
The Education & Skills Funding Agency has now published the 2016 to 2017 FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey. The survey captures learners’ experiences of their college or training organisation by asking learners to rate their providers on training delivered in 2016 to 2017.
The purpose of FE Choices is to provide consistent and comparable information for learners and employers to help them make informed choices about publicly funded education and training as well as providing consistent management information on key performance indicators. The 2016 to 2017 Learner Satisfaction Survey included eight rating questions. For the first seven, learners were asked to rate various aspects of their course, learning programme or training programme on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 represented ‘very dissatisfied’ and 10 represented ‘very satisfied’.
Nationally, key findings show that:
- overall, 83% of respondents would recommend their learning provider to friends or family, with over a third (38%) saying they were extremely likely to recommend the learning provider
- learners aged 25 or over were more likely to recommend the learning provider, with 93% of adults aged 25 and over saying they would do so
- the survey also found most apprenticeship framework areas were highly rated by learners compared to classroom-based study in equivalent subject areas
Locally, the responses compare as follows:
- overall 85% of WEBS learners would recommend their learning provider to friends or family and similar to the national picture, over a third stated they were extremely likely to recommend WEBS.
- 91% of WEBS learners scored 8 to 10 on the question “How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way staff treat you” with very little difference across the age groups. This compares to the national picture of 83%.
- The lowest satisfaction rating, out of all of the questions, was for question 3 (advice learners had been given about what they could do after their course had finished) with 77% scoring over 8 compared to 70% nationally.
- 88% of WEBS learners scored 8 to 10 when asked “How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the support you get on this course or activity?” compared to 78% nationally.
- When asked “How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that the course or activity is meeting your expectations?”, WEBS learners scored 80% compared to 74% nationally.
- 86% of WEBS learners scored 8 or above when asked “How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that your learning provider responds to the views of learners?”. This compares nationally to 75%.
- Overall 88% of WEBS learners scored 8 or above when asked “how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your learning college or organisation that provides your learning?”. This compares to 75% nationally.
Whilst we are extremely pleased with the results we are continuously striving to increase and improve all aspects of our delivery in our drive for excellence and “to make a positive impact to the UK and local economies by delivering a high quality and progressive training service that is responsive to the needs of learners, employers and the local community”.
For more information on the survey, you can click here