In light of the updated Public Health England guidance regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19), it is our company policy that learners, employers and other visitors should not come to the WEBS Training site in the coming week.
It is possible that this rule may be extended for a longer period, although this depends upon the guidance and instruction provided by the UK Government.
Training Officers will be contacting you directly by telephone to discuss the situation and will keep you updated over the coming days. However, it is expected that teaching and learning will continue to take place, through the use of online platforms and written assignments, and that Action Plans are written for individual learners by their Training Officers where practicable. Training Officers will of course, remain in regular contact with your apprentices via telephone, e-mail or skype.
As always, we would like to maintain an open dialogue with employers and apprentices at all times over the coming weeks, and would encourage you to keep in contact with us in the usual way.
We would also be extremely grateful if you could inform us of any apprentices that are sent home or placed in self-isolation because of the current situation.
The WEBS Team